Get in touch
If you would like more information about SES products and services please get in touch and one of our sales team will get back to you right away.
SES RFID Solutions GmbH. Wacholderstrasse 42, 40489. Düsseldorf. GERMANY. Tel:+49203729 7101 e.mail:sales@sesrfid.com
SES RFID Solutions. US Representative Office. Evanston, IL 60201. USA. Tel:+18476876522. e.mail:sales@sesrfid.com
Dali Office. SES RFID Solutions Asia Co. Ltd . 9F-1, No.1, Keji Rd., Dali Dist., Taichung City 41264, Taiwan R.O.C. TEL : +886-4-24915056 +886-4-24915057 FAX : +886-4-24915052 e-mail: sales@sesrfid.com
Tanzi Factory. SES RFID Solutions Asia Co. Ltd . No.77, Xianghe Road, Tanzi Dist, Taichung City, 42741. TAIWAN. Tel: +886 4 2539 0351, +886-4-25392613. FAX : +886-4-2538095 e-mail: sales@sesrfid.com